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Wow, I can’t believe it’s August already! I’m not one to intentionally wish my life away, but the days drag, the working weeks fly and here we are. Soon, it’ll be December and I’ll be wondering where my life is going. There’s a quote I used with my RL recently “as children time drags but the older we get, the quicker time moves.” I also warned him we were wishing our lives away praying for the weekends. He laughed, but agreed with me. Smart man! So, what’s the purpose of this rambling? I guess it’s to simply state: enjoy today. Make the most of it. So that’s what I will do, in this August sunshine 🙂



Turban & earrings: …:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::… / Deka -Turban & Earrings Set w/ hud / *new release*

Dress: …:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::… / Summer Breeze -Maxi Dress- w/ hud (Belleza, eBody, Maitreya, Slink inc) / *new release*

Skin: Glam Affair / Alexa – India (Catwa inc) / gacha item

Lipstick: Izzie’s / 90’s Ombre Lipstick Gift (Catwa inc) / 0L gift on Marketplace

Tattoo: [White~Widow] / Legend – Henna (Classic, Belleza, Maitreya, Slink, TMP, Eve, Omega, Sking inc) / gacha item

Rings: Elle Boutique / Bloom Bento Rings (Belleza, Maitreya, Slink inc) / *new release* available at Mesh Body Addicts Fair August 2018

Nails: Zombie Suicide /  Rigged Nails – Rounded – Basic Colors (Maitreya, Slink Bento inc)

Bracelets: Zaara / [Goa party] : 27 Friendship bracelets / gacha item

Pose: shi.s.poses / Hand Poses #1-5 (bento)

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