About shopSL

This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

shopSL….a one stop blog for all Second Life (SL) related shopping activities. Whether it’s a new release, an event, sale, gacha, hunt prize or group gift, it will be blogged here (as my burgeoning inventory will attest!) As an avid lover of SL Fashion, I’m often found finding bargains and sharing them with anyone who will listen!

shopSL is purposely photographed with inworld shots only that aren’t edited using any photo software (e.g. photoshop or gimp). Windlights, projectors (e.g. LumiPro) and light effects are used to assist with creating a mood but all effects can be recreated inworld. The purpose is to clearly show people how the products will look and fit if they buy it and to accurately demonstrate the amazing skill of our SL Designers. I hope you love the creations as much as I do putting them together ❤

Wynn’s basic avatar:

Body: Ebody Reborn
Head: Lelutka EVO X (currently Raven)
Shape: Own
Unless an item is specified in a blog post, these items will be used in each photo but credited here.

shopSL can also be found on Flickr, Twitter and Facebook:

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wynnklaar/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wynnklaarsl/

Twitter: @Wynn88809302

Wynn can be messaged inworld (Wynn Klaar) or via Facebook (Wynn Smith).